Saturday, May 15, 2010

So you say it's your Birthday...

My birthday.

It's not for three weeks yet, but I found myself thinking about it today.

For the last few years I have tried to keep it low key, as I don't generally care for parties, or the recognition that I'm slowly getting older, and still doing nothing with my life. Inevitably though, someone tries to convince me of its importance and tells me I should be excited! After all, you can only turn [insert age here]once!

You can only catch herpes once too, but I don't think I've ever met anyone who's been excited to do so.

Anyway, someone always thinks I should have a party, or some other gathering of acquaintances; and while its true that I generally enjoy the company of said acquaintances, I really don't care to have the elevated position of guest of honor. In fact, one of my favorite birthdays was when my friends and I just played our weekly game of D&D, as per usual.

This year, however, I am faced with a new problem. I would like to spend my birthday playing D&D again (or something similar), but I cannot, as I no longer live in the same city as my other gaming friends, and don't really have many other friends here in Vancouver. I appear to be boned.

So, if anyone has a suggestion as to what I should do this coming June 6th (or D-Day, for you history buffs) tell me! right now I'm thinking Ninja Turtles Marathon.


Jonathon Dunning said...

Futurama marathon!

Little Red said...

Movie nights are a great way to spend an evening. Not too strenuous, so people have no real excuse not to go.

It's too bad you don't have your D&D friends here. You'll have to make new ones.
Me, I just play WoW.