Whilst perusing my favorite online toy distributor today, I discovered that they have re-launched the original "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers" T.V. show, and released a new toy line to go along with it. Ummm.... ZOMG AWESOME!!!
I haven't seen it yet, but I imagine it is just as sweet/awful as the original, only perhaps with slightly better video quality (it is remastered, after all). The regular ranger action figures do look pretty cool, though and if I had money I would totally buy them, although the Megazord does appear to be lacking a little bit. Granted, it is pretty hard to see clearly from a little crappy picture, but it doesn't seem to look nearly as awesome as the original, with all it's badass little chromed bits, although the overall sculpt looks a bit better.

The next thing they need to bring back is Gargoyles. That show was probably the greatest Disney cartoon ever, and it is definitely one of the greatest cartoons of all time.

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