These are all things that should be in my living room right now.
Did I just hear you ask "Why is that, Stu?" Clearly, I did. No, no. There is no use denying it. I heard what I heard, and you can't take it back now. Well let me tell you why these exiting things should be in my living room:
After my last post, I continued to sit in front of my computer. However, instead of looking at random crap on the Interwebz, I pulled up a script I had been working on. A script by the name of "Sneaky Bank." Now, what makes this script so special is that I have been working on it for four years. I had one page.
Well, not anymore, folks! I sat here and finished the damn thing! Granted, I only added three pages, but still. Finished! Hooray! And there was rejoicing throughout the land! Now I just have to do that with all the scripts I have on the go, and we'll be in business.
Take that, perpetual laziness! Put that in your sandwich and eat it, you bastard!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Late Nights with Stu

I need to be more ambitious. Here I am five years out of high school, four years out of film school, and still have yet to do one thing I'm really proud of- film related or otherwise. Now I know what your saying. You're saying "STFU, you whiny schmuck! this is the internet, nobody cares!"
You're right, I'm sure, but this post is meant to be more of a forum for me to sort out my brain-hole, rather than me sharing brilliant and witty insights with you.
The point is, I know I'll never be content working a regular job, but I just can't seem to motivate myself to do anything else. I mean, what's that about? Am I afraid of failing? Am I still unsure of what I really want to do? Or am I just really lazy? Sometimes I get really good ideas for something, but then I never do anything with said ideas, forgetting them soon after. Or worse yet, I'll start it, then get stuck somewhere near the beginning and lose interest; leaving it for ages, never really sure where to go with it; how to continue etc.
I'm not meant to be poor, living on minimum wage, scrounging for cash. I'm meant to be able to go out and buy a nice tailored suit; to buy pretty dresses and jewelry for my future wife; to buy toys and comics galore, and have room to keep them all.
I feel I'm meant for more. I just need Focus. I need Drive. I need a Muse.
I need... something...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Like "High School Musical," Only Good!!
I've recently begun watching Glee. Everyone told me I should, and that I would like it; and whilst I was sure that I would, I had no idea just how great it actually is.
Let me be perfectly clear about this:
Never have I been so completely in love with a show. It has even surpassed Buffy in my mind as the most amusing and entertaining shows to ever be produced, right beside How I Met Your Mother, which i also have a slightly unnatural love for.
I love Musicals. I love them so much, it's a wonder I'm not gay. And the kids in this show, man, can they sing. There is such a perfect mix of vocal personalities that it blows my mind consistently with each episode I watch, to say nothing of the characters in the show. I just can't help but love all the Glee kids, even the ones that annoy and bother the hell out me. And yes; sometimes the plot, dialogue, and the heavy-handed message of "Be Yourself!" seem stupefyingly after-school special, but that's part of it's charm, and really what all musicals are about anyways. I certainly can't remember a musical whose message required more than the IQ of a monkey wrench to pick up on.
I'm not going to get into the characters, or the plot with you here. I would rather let you discover them for yourself when you decide to take the plunge into the warm tropical waters that are Glee.
I will say this though. The one thing that would make it better: A Joss Whedon written and directed episode, in which nobody we care about dies (we all know how much he likes to do that). Oh, and Neil Patrick Harris should be on all the time. The world needs more NPH.
Let me be perfectly clear about this:
Never have I been so completely in love with a show. It has even surpassed Buffy in my mind as the most amusing and entertaining shows to ever be produced, right beside How I Met Your Mother, which i also have a slightly unnatural love for.
I love Musicals. I love them so much, it's a wonder I'm not gay. And the kids in this show, man, can they sing. There is such a perfect mix of vocal personalities that it blows my mind consistently with each episode I watch, to say nothing of the characters in the show. I just can't help but love all the Glee kids, even the ones that annoy and bother the hell out me. And yes; sometimes the plot, dialogue, and the heavy-handed message of "Be Yourself!" seem stupefyingly after-school special, but that's part of it's charm, and really what all musicals are about anyways. I certainly can't remember a musical whose message required more than the IQ of a monkey wrench to pick up on.
I'm not going to get into the characters, or the plot with you here. I would rather let you discover them for yourself when you decide to take the plunge into the warm tropical waters that are Glee.
I will say this though. The one thing that would make it better: A Joss Whedon written and directed episode, in which nobody we care about dies (we all know how much he likes to do that). Oh, and Neil Patrick Harris should be on all the time. The world needs more NPH.

Saturday, May 15, 2010
So you say it's your Birthday...
My birthday.
It's not for three weeks yet, but I found myself thinking about it today.
For the last few years I have tried to keep it low key, as I don't generally care for parties, or the recognition that I'm slowly getting older, and still doing nothing with my life. Inevitably though, someone tries to convince me of its importance and tells me I should be excited! After all, you can only turn [insert age here]once!
You can only catch herpes once too, but I don't think I've ever met anyone who's been excited to do so.
Anyway, someone always thinks I should have a party, or some other gathering of acquaintances; and while its true that I generally enjoy the company of said acquaintances, I really don't care to have the elevated position of guest of honor. In fact, one of my favorite birthdays was when my friends and I just played our weekly game of D&D, as per usual.
This year, however, I am faced with a new problem. I would like to spend my birthday playing D&D again (or something similar), but I cannot, as I no longer live in the same city as my other gaming friends, and don't really have many other friends here in Vancouver. I appear to be boned.
So, if anyone has a suggestion as to what I should do this coming June 6th (or D-Day, for you history buffs) tell me! right now I'm thinking Ninja Turtles Marathon.
It's not for three weeks yet, but I found myself thinking about it today.
For the last few years I have tried to keep it low key, as I don't generally care for parties, or the recognition that I'm slowly getting older, and still doing nothing with my life. Inevitably though, someone tries to convince me of its importance and tells me I should be excited! After all, you can only turn [insert age here]once!
You can only catch herpes once too, but I don't think I've ever met anyone who's been excited to do so.
Anyway, someone always thinks I should have a party, or some other gathering of acquaintances; and while its true that I generally enjoy the company of said acquaintances, I really don't care to have the elevated position of guest of honor. In fact, one of my favorite birthdays was when my friends and I just played our weekly game of D&D, as per usual.
This year, however, I am faced with a new problem. I would like to spend my birthday playing D&D again (or something similar), but I cannot, as I no longer live in the same city as my other gaming friends, and don't really have many other friends here in Vancouver. I appear to be boned.
So, if anyone has a suggestion as to what I should do this coming June 6th (or D-Day, for you history buffs) tell me! right now I'm thinking Ninja Turtles Marathon.
Friday, May 7, 2010
It's Morphin' Time!

Whilst perusing my favorite online toy distributor today, I discovered that they have re-launched the original "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers" T.V. show, and released a new toy line to go along with it. Ummm.... ZOMG AWESOME!!!
I haven't seen it yet, but I imagine it is just as sweet/awful as the original, only perhaps with slightly better video quality (it is remastered, after all). The regular ranger action figures do look pretty cool, though and if I had money I would totally buy them, although the Megazord does appear to be lacking a little bit. Granted, it is pretty hard to see clearly from a little crappy picture, but it doesn't seem to look nearly as awesome as the original, with all it's badass little chromed bits, although the overall sculpt looks a bit better.

The next thing they need to bring back is Gargoyles. That show was probably the greatest Disney cartoon ever, and it is definitely one of the greatest cartoons of all time.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Dishes are for chumps.
I need to do the dishes.
I don't wanna do the dishes, but I gotta. Then I have to clean the rest of the kitchen, too. I already did the living room (and it looks awesome, thank you), but I dread that kitchen. Not that it's really bad or anything; yes, it's a mess, but most of that is dishes and easily cleaned up. But you don't care, do you? I know I wouldn't if our positions were reversed.
I should really start putting something of interest on here.
Oh well.
I don't wanna do the dishes, but I gotta. Then I have to clean the rest of the kitchen, too. I already did the living room (and it looks awesome, thank you), but I dread that kitchen. Not that it's really bad or anything; yes, it's a mess, but most of that is dishes and easily cleaned up. But you don't care, do you? I know I wouldn't if our positions were reversed.
I should really start putting something of interest on here.
Oh well.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
When you milk awesome, you get Awesome Milk. (Bananaman Teaser)
Okay, so I haven't posted for nearly a month. Get something better to do with your time than check up on my blog.
I'm kidding! Stay here! I'll get better, I promise! Just don't leave me alone!
For those of you interested in all things Bananaman, Jon and I did some test shooting yesterday, just to see how the costume worked, and were slightly disappointed in the actual banana suit. I was, at least, I don't know about Jon. But, with the help of my girlfriend Amanda (she doesn't know it yet, but she's helping), we will have the costume in a working state by the time we do some real shooting. Huzzah!!
The footage we got was pretty rough, and we didn't get a lot, since it was mega windy, but Jon still edited it together to make a fairly decent little teaser in spite of our fairly bad footage. Enjoy it!
Did you enjoy it? If you didn't, then watch it again until you do.
I'm kidding! Stay here! I'll get better, I promise! Just don't leave me alone!
For those of you interested in all things Bananaman, Jon and I did some test shooting yesterday, just to see how the costume worked, and were slightly disappointed in the actual banana suit. I was, at least, I don't know about Jon. But, with the help of my girlfriend Amanda (she doesn't know it yet, but she's helping), we will have the costume in a working state by the time we do some real shooting. Huzzah!!
The footage we got was pretty rough, and we didn't get a lot, since it was mega windy, but Jon still edited it together to make a fairly decent little teaser in spite of our fairly bad footage. Enjoy it!
Bananaman Teaser from Butter Puddle Productions on Vimeo.
Did you enjoy it? If you didn't, then watch it again until you do.
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