A. A is for many things. A is for Awesome. A is for Avarice. A is for Alcohol, Aardvark, Apple, Annoying, Art, and soooooooo much more. A is also for.... ready? ALAN SCOTT!

you know.... Alan Scott... the first Green Lantern... found a magical lantern and made a ring out of part of it? Weakness was wood?
Fine. Never mind then.
Like I said, A is for a lot of thingses. I couldn't possibly think of them all. I mean, do you realize how many animals there are that begin with the letter "A?" I don't, but I wouldn't be surprised if this kid does. He has Autism, which, coincidentally, also begins with our letter o the day (yesterday).
Aaaaand I'm spent. I'll see you later, but in the meantime: I pity the fool who doesn't get off my lawn. ("A" is also for A-Team.)
Weakness for wood...
First off, that sounds like it could be incredibly dirty. Secondly... Is he even allowed in doors at all? wtf.
Super hero fail.
Number 2 pencil: the death of the Green Lantern
Good start to the alphabet challenge, even if it was a little late. It kind of goes without saying that youtube is always a good excuse when you're dealing with me. I'm like, "Yeah, I see how that couldn't be helped."
Also, I can't tell you how glad I am that everybody's getting into What You Ought To Know!
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