Anyhoo, I'm 8 days behind, so I'm not even going to bother trying to catch up. Instead I'm just going to do a regular non-alphabet related post.
Most important things first. Best name for a cab company ever: Schindler's Lifts. I know, I'm awesome. I thought of that while waiting for the SkyTrain this fair morn.
So I just watched this fantastic movie, and so I thought I would share it with you. It's called Burke and Hare, and it stars none other than Simon Pegg (he of Shaun of the Dead fame) and Andy Serkis (he of Gollum fame), Tom Wilkinson (he of... well, lots of stuff really... fame.. er..) and TIM CURRY! WHAAAAAAAAT! So awesome. Also, Christopher Lee makes an appearance as an old dude who snuffs it, and when he showed up I was like "Is that Christopher Lee? Nah, couldn't be." Turns out it was. Ten points, Burke and Hare. Ten points.

Oh yeah, it also has Isla Fisher, but she really adds very little to the movie. She's there, whatever, lets move on.
So the movie is about these two (factual) grave robbers in the 1800's. Wikipedia them if you want the real life story, 'cuz this movie opens with the best disclaimer ever: "This is a true story. Except for the parts that are not." I feel like every movie that claims to be "based on a true story" should start with this, because I'm not stupid and I know that what they show is barely whatever happened. that was a poorly worded sentence, and I apologize. I'm very tired and I'm just trying to fire this off before going to bed. maybe I'll come back tomorrow and edit this, and possibly add something to it. We'll see how my day at work goes.
Now get the hell of my lawn, I just re-seeded it.
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