I play D&D. I would play every day if I could. Ideally, I would play for a living, but I think we can all agree that that seems fairly unlikely.
Alright. Now you know how big of a nerd I really am. Although, since all of you who read this know me in real life, i guess you already knew...
It all started back in high school. I think grade 11, but I'm really not sure. could have been 10. Anyhoo, there was a power outage at the school, and school policy was to let us goo after a certain amount of time had past. Well, Lee and I figured that there was no way the power was going to come back on, so we decided to leave school and go hang out at his place. Whilst trying to figure out what to do with our sudden freedom, we started playing with his brothers Lego. Somehow (I'm not entirely sure how) we started making the little dudes battle, and I was like: "This is fun. If only we could put rules to it and stuff," To which Lee replied "We can," and pulled out a Players Handbook. So I made my very first character. It was a Half-Elf Paladin, and we fought a lion that had an Elvis haircut, and a dude with Jar-Jar Bink's head on a chain. It was awesome.
I have played ever since, and it will be a big part of my life forever. I can't wait until I can play with my kids. That'll be fun.
Now get off my lawn, before I beat you down with my +1 mace.
Also, it's Riella's 6 Month Blogiversary! she's giving away a gift card for Aldo to celebrate, so if you wanna win yourself some shoeses, head on over and check it out!
You played a half-elf?! Gasp! I thought you hated elves in all forms!
yeah. I actually played him for a few gaming sessions, too. then I played a Half-Elf ranger, then my favorite character: the blind druid who's name I can't remember!
My dislike for elves developed later. Remember, this was my very first character ever. Also, i like elves in pathfinder a little more. I guess it's the +2 INT that does it for me.
Fantastic! I guess my first character was Axlore, priest of Moradin! He's a racist, and one of my favorite characters to date. Dwarf Supremacy!
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