I like vinyl. Not in a kinky sex way, but in a "those big black disks in your parents attic that they say sounds way better then cd's" kind of way. Your parents are right, kiddies. They rock.
I'm not going to get into why I think they are better, as it comes down to a matter of personal opinion, but I do want to share with you some of the albums I own that I dig.
Now I could easily post all my favorites, but I've decided to only post ones that have some special appeal to me, whether it be rarity, or artwork, or just a really solid album. Here they come. Get ready.. NOW!
Neil Young - Comes a TimeNeil Young is simply amazing. I wanted to go see him play in Vancouver a couple years ago, but it was way too expensive; I just couldn't afford it. One of my biggest regrets. This album is fantastic when you just want something mellow to listen to whilst you read. Also, it's good to listen to for any other reason.
The Return of the Jedi Soundtrack Because I'm a huge fucking nerd. I actually picked this up at a church garage sale in Fernie. It cost me fifty cents, I think. It still has all the interior artwork, too, although for some reason there is a hole going through the jacket and record sleeves. Bummer.
Scruffy the Cat - Boom Boom Boom Bingo This one, I actually only bought because I loved the Cover art. And the band name. I was surprised to find that it wasn't actually that bad. i would totally listen to it again, it was kind of a... I don't remember, but I remember not hating it, so that's good. I should probably go back and give it another listen.
Simon & Garfunkel - Bookends. What is there to say about these guys that hasn't been said before? This is probably my favorite S&G album I own, not because it has my favorite song, but because it is really solid from start to finish. Ready for it's hit list? America, Fakin' It, Punky's Dilemma, Mrs. Robinson, Hazy Shade of Winter, At the Zoo... That's most of the album, right there. Nice.
More on my Vinyl later. There are definately more that need to be on this list, but I don't want this post to be too long.
Now get offa my lawn.
No Beatles?
beatles go on the next list.
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