Saturday, June 12, 2010

Debates and Milk-Based Misfortunes

I got nothin' to say. It has dawned on me in the last few days, that I often have nothing to say, but I say something anyway. Weird, huh? And I'm not just talking about on this blog, I'm talking about real life.

I find myself spouting off opinions that don't really even belong to me, just so I can hear my own voice, or hopefully get into an argument with somebody. Maybe I should have been a lawyer, or someone else who argues and debates for living. Dare I say it? Dare I? I dare!

I should have been a Master... wait for it... Debater.

"Oh, I saw that coming." you say. "What a yutz!" you proclaim. Well, fuck you.


Recently Amanda and I have begun our foray into Veganism, which I have already failed at; I had a craving for potato chips and grabbed a bag of Sour Cream and Onion. My failure continued when I also grabbed a pack of gum... with Recaldent (a milk derivative, for those of you who don't know). I, of course, did not realize my mistake until I got home with said chips and gum. Hot damn, this is hard.

Despite my initial milk-based misfortunes, I think this is going to be okay. We have vegan cookbooks and the internet, what more do we need? Aside from the willpower necessary to avoid cheese. That one will be tough, since it is pretty much the most delicious substance in the known universe.

Wish us luck!

Here is something to think about until my next Post:

Catch phrase attempt #3:
Welcome to Earf.


Dan said...

I was just in the grocery store and I saw a soy cheese called Sheeze. I figure if there's at least a halfway decent soy cheese out there, it probably has a name like that. Also, good sign out.

Strange Brood Tabletop said...

Yeah, the problem with soy cheese (or cheese flavored loaf, as it is often called on packaging) is that most of it contains a Milk protein, meaning it isn't vegan at all, thereby making it a fairly useless product.

Taryn said...

It's not that hard to avoid milk, actually. I used to be allergic and there are a whole lot of substitutes that contain no form of milk at all.

Strange Brood Tabletop said...

well, yeah, but they don't make sour cream and onion chips out of those products.