Instead of cleaning my house, I have decided to throw some more words at the Internet with a faint glimmer of hope that someone will stumble upon this blog and think I'm totally awesome. Then, perhaps that person will then decide that it would be a fantastic idea to tell me I'm awesome. And THEN maybe they will decide I'm so awesome, that they should pay me for being awesome! Awesome!
I'm not talking about you, faithful reader(s?). I'm talking about some random Internet browsing Rich Person with money to burn.
Since that is unlikely, I suppose I'd better go clean. I'll leave you to think about this:

PS. I feel like I need a catch phrase to sign off with. Here is my first attempt:
Seatbelts everyone!
no... that won't work...
You're AWESOME!!!
I think you should put a Paypal Donate button on here, just in case some rich guy does want to pay someone awesome to blog.
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