I am really not good at posting regularly. I expect it has something to do with every day being virtually the same: get up, peruse the interwebz for funny stuff and jobs, play video games, eat, sleep, and repeat. there is very little interpersonal contact, so some part of my brain is not being properly stimulated. No, I don't know which part! Do I look like some kind of brain doctor to you? Of course not.
I should really start leading into these things with my intended topic, because I keep forgetting what they are. I expect it was either something funny, or something geeky. Balls if I can remember, though.

I miss the Ninja Turtles. sure, I have the show on dvd, and numerous action figures, and comics and all that, but i really miss the excitement I felt as a kid when it came on, and I always knew when it was on, despite not being able to tell time. I remember sitting in front of my TV, eagerly awaiting the end of the credits for "Days of our Lives," which then I knew as "the hourglass show;" due to the hourglass that spins while the words crawl across the screen. i remember singing along to the theme song quite clearly too, although I'm sure that I had the lyrics wrong. Whatever. It was good enough for me. Nothing else ever got me as excited as the Turtles, and to this day, nothing ever really has. This may sound silly, but the Ninja Turtles mean more to me than most people. It goes: Girlfriend, select family and friends, Ninja Turtles, everyone else.

Now, I have many action figures, (which I think are super cool, and if you disagree, then, well, I don't really care to know you) but the ones I'm really proud of are my Turtles. I will take those with me to the grave. Move over Spidey, 'cause the Turtles need more shelf space, biatch! See? I'll even call Spider-Man a "biatch," thats how cool I think the Turtles are.
So, last year I bought a plush Donatello from the Value Village where I worked and the cashier asked me why I was buying it, I responded with something along the lines of "I collect toys, especially Ninja Turtles," (although I may not have said the Turtles Part out loud)to which she replied "That's embarrassing." Suffice to to say I was highly offended, not just because it means that she thought my hobby, and thus a large part of who I am was an embarrassment, but because it felt like an attack on some of my warmest childhood memories. Let it be noted however, that I harbor no ill -will towards the maker of that comment. She could not have possibly known why I like Ninja Turtles so much, or what they mean to me.

Anyways, this was rather personal post, wasn't it? Neat-o. I'm gonna watch me some TMNT. The Polls seem to be working again, so vote for your favorite Ninja Turtle! Hooray! Now get offa my lawn!
Man, I usually find comments like "that's embarrassing" less offensive and a whole lot more disappointing. Like... "wow, your method of evaluating the worth of others is... well, repugnant. How embarrassing for you."
Anyways, back on topic: NINJA TURTLES! I think my greatest exposure to TMNT was through the comics, and by that I mean the Archie publications, which were at least somewhat decent, though I'm positive they seemed a whole lot more badass at the time. All in all, Ninja Turtles rocked! Also other strangeness.
ps. I voted for Leonardo, though I find it worth mentioning that when I was really young, it would've been Mikey, and when I was a little older and more angsty, it would've been Raphael. lol
All the channels that had TMNT when I was growing up, were for whatever reason NEVER WORKING.
So I went through childhood only having seen a couple episodes....
For shame...
I still have my ticket stub for Secret of the Ooze! Opening night!
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