I wish I owned a copy of Harvest Moon. I always got pretty bored with it, but I would like to give it another shot, now that I'm older. For those who don't know what it is, allow me to explain. It's a video game. Explained! The point of this game is (as Lance said in his Vlog, and I think is the most apt description of the game I have ever heard) to run around and farm and try to make a girl fall in love with you. I don't really remember it that well, but I know people who would play for hours on end.
You should check out Lance's YouTube channel, by the way. He's a funny Canadian dude living in Japan, although he keeps wearing these douchey sunglasses. Japanananananan.
Another game I'd really like to play again is Megaman 64 (or Megaman Legends, if you play the Playstation version)This game was pretty big departure from previous (and later) Megaman game, as it is a 3D platformer, rather than a side scroller, and focuses mainly on treasure hunting and dungeon exploration, rather than defeating elemental themed bad guys and stealing their powers. In this game, you need to find bits of junk that your sister Roll will turn into items and upgrades for you. All in all a really fun little game, with humour, puzzles and action. I highly recommend it. You can even turn Megaman black by doing bad things! How cool is that? check it out, lamerz. In fact, you should probably just go and play every Megaman game, cuz they are all pretty rad.
Until next time, dear readers, get the hell off my lawn.
Oh man, I really want to play Megaman Legends/64 now! Also, there was a follow-up game for Playstation called The Misadventures of Tron Bonne. I've never played it, but it looks pretty fun.
As for Harvest Moon... meh, I might play it again someday, but it's really not on the To Do list.
Yeah, I've heard of The Misadventures of Tron Bonne, i think i read about it on wikipedia or something. There is also a Megaman Legends 2 that was released on playstaion, which I would love to find and play.
I tried playing Megaman...and/or Rockman 64 here in Japan, but I ended up being distracted by.....something distracting, and have failed to play it since. And now that I look back on it, I don't think I've ever completed Megaman 64, something distracting always distracts me!
Sorry about the footprints on your grass. . .
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