I'm not very good at describing music, unless it's similar to something that I know someone has heard. Adam Green sounds like nothing else. Well, nothing that I can think of. Feel free to correct me on that. Anyways, I'm off point. What I'm trying to say is that the show was pretty amazing; totally worth waiting outside for half an hour with wet feet.
The opening band was, as I so eloquently stated last Thursday, "perfectly adequate." They were called "The Dead Trees," and I had never heard of them before. You probably haven't either. They weren't bad at all, but nor did I find them very memorable, except the bass player, who had the most bad-ass and neatly groomed mustache I have ever seen. So neatly groomed, in fact, that I'm not entirely sure is was real. If it was real, that's fucking amazing! If not, then then that's also fucking amazing! It made him kind of look like he belonged in Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem (or the Muppet Band, as most people know them.) It really says something about a band when the only thing you can remember about their performance was one dudes mustache, and thinking that they were totally an opening band: Not bad, but not particularly entertaining.

Now, Adam Green was Dynamite. Or "Dy-no miiiite!" if you will. Or even if you won't. I don't care. His energy was so high that I'm sure he was too. High, that is. Amanda described the way he danced around on stage best when she said that he was like "A dancing monkey on speed," which is by no means a bad thing. It was great! He was running into the band (The Dead Trees played as his backing band, and they were definitely better at that,)drawing some glares from the guitarist.
Adam played from around 8pm to 10:30ish. Maybe not even that long. Jon complained that it was kind of short, but A) I doubt Adam could have kept up that level of energy much longer; and B) as Dan pointed out, his songs are relatively short, so you get a lot of songs in a very short period of time; we heard all the best ones and one or two that I never listened to as much, though I think I will now.
All in all, probably the best show I've seen yet. A massive thumbs up! But only for Adam Green, not for Dead Trees. They only get some kind of wishy-washy hand gesture to represent my feeling towards them. Oh, and a thumbs up for the Mustache.
If you are interested, you can check out Adam Green at his website http://www.adamgreen.net/

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