Sunday, February 16, 2014

Colour is The Spice of Kings

For those of you who don't know, I like to ink pictures. I'm really bad at drawing them, but hot-damn, do I ever have fun slappin' the ol' inks on the page. Sometimes I use pens and brush markers, sometimes I use inkpots an' nibs. Because I can't draw these things for myself, I look for penciled drawings all over and ink them to the best of my ability**, because, well, I've gotta practice somehow! iIused to just take low res jpegs and print them on my mega crappy desktop printer, but recently I've started printing the pencils on 11x17 card stock so I can try inking at the size REAL inkers do it. However, that doesnt fit in my scanner, so you cant see it. Take that!

Anyhoo, so a few years ago (4-ish) i decided to try colouring these inks using the Photoshops (the ones on the standard printer paper, obviously). I posted my results on this blog, I believe it was a Mega Man picture. I was never happy with the results, however, and always meant to give it a go again. Today was the day I did it, and man, am I pleased with the results.  I used this tutorial and a picture I inked some time ago.

I chose Hellboy because he's fairly simple, and I figured that would be best for me to start with. Now, obviously it isn't perfect, but for my first try, I think I did a fine job. Now, the inks and colours are by me, but I have no idea who the original artist was, as the image I found had no signature or names attached.

Until next time, Kiddies, stay the hell off my lawn!

**The pencils I use for prcticing on are in no way used for any purpose other than practice, they are seen by pretty much just me, unless I'm particularly proud of it, in which case I will post it here once every few years. I would never sell a piece or try to use it to get a job, unless I contacted the artist specifically and they were all "yeah sure, you can put it in your portfolio." But I gots ta learn!


Anonymous said...

I heart my inked picture. <3 <3 <3

Strange Brood Tabletop said...

inked and Coloured