Also, why does that song suck sooooooooooooo much? Seriously, it has something like 2 million dislikes on YouTube. I feel if anything I ever put up had that many people publicly display their dislike, I would just quit. At everything. And so should Rebecca Black, before she gets any more death threats. Yeah, that's right kids. she has received threats to her life if she does not remove her music from the Interwebz.
On the one hand, I agree with that: her "music" is "awful" and "shouldn't be heard by human ears," but on the other hand, isn't the Internet supposed to be a place of free speech and creativity, where we can express ourselves in nearly anyway we can imagine? And look at porn? Lots and lots of porn?
In other news... um...
Look at this!

Pretty awesome, right? Now, i've never actually watched any Dr. Who, but I know the basic idea, and the Daleks and Davros and The Master and Cybermen and all that. The problem is I'm such a completest that I would want to watch from the very beginning, which is indeed a daunting task, as it first started way back in 1963 and originally ran until 1989. So there's 26 years there to catch up on, plus the 1996 TV movie, and then we get into the re-launch in 2005 thats still running... so another 5-ish years. Not to mention that 108 episodes are bassically gone, and not held in the BBC's archives. Mayhaps I'll juSt have to suck it up and start from the easily available stuff.