Saturday, April 2, 2011

This blog post is brought to you by the letter "A"

Okay, so I'm going to try this April A-Z challenge deal. I realize I've technically already failed, but I was too busy watching YouTube for five straight hours yesterday. So this is yesterdays, and I'll post another later on today. Cool beans? Aight.

A. A is for many things. A is for Awesome. A is for Avarice. A is for Alcohol, Aardvark, Apple, Annoying, Art, and soooooooo much more. A is also for.... ready? ALAN SCOTT!


you know.... Alan Scott... the first Green Lantern... found a magical lantern and made a ring out of part of it? Weakness was wood?

Fine. Never mind then.

Like I said, A is for a lot of thingses. I couldn't possibly think of them all. I mean, do you realize how many animals there are that begin with the letter "A?" I don't, but I wouldn't be surprised if this kid does. He has Autism, which, coincidentally, also begins with our letter o the day (yesterday).

Aaaaand I'm spent. I'll see you later, but in the meantime: I pity the fool who doesn't get off my lawn. ("A" is also for A-Team.)


Unknown said...

Weakness for wood...
First off, that sounds like it could be incredibly dirty. Secondly... Is he even allowed in doors at all? wtf.
Super hero fail.

Saffron said...

Number 2 pencil: the death of the Green Lantern

DANG said...

Good start to the alphabet challenge, even if it was a little late. It kind of goes without saying that youtube is always a good excuse when you're dealing with me. I'm like, "Yeah, I see how that couldn't be helped."
Also, I can't tell you how glad I am that everybody's getting into What You Ought To Know!